Ready for the challenges, focused on the future

In 2023 PKO Bank Polski Group generated PLN 5.5 billion net profit while profitability measured by return on equity amounted 13.3% The group’s assets exceeded the value of half a trillion zlotys thanks to this we strengthened our leading position in the Polish banking sector. Number of customers crossed 11.9 million and financing provided to customers reached PLN 262.9 billion. We strengthened position as a leader in the Polish banking sector by increasing market shares in all key areas.


Our results

5 502 PLN million

Net profit achieved thanks to increase of operating results, despite significant increase of CHF legal risk provisions


Cost/income ratio o representing high level of operating efficiency


Net interest margin
(further improvement of 139 bps y/y)

50 bp

Cost of risk (effective management
and record low level of NPL)


CET1 = Tier1
Solid capital base

11.9 million

Number of customers

> 5 million

Number of primary customers for whom we are the bank of first choice

9.3 million

Number of accounts

263 PLN billion

Granted financing

399 PLN billion

Customer savings

-12.5% y/y

Reduction the bank’s
emissions (Scope 1 and 2)


Gender pay ratio in the bank


Average number of hours
of training per year per employee


Average eNPS score at the bank

410 PLN billion

Value of preferential student loan


Market share in loans for individuals (+1.2 p.p. y/y)


Market share in mortgage
loans for individuals (+1.4 p.p. y/y)


Market share in loans
to institutional entities
(+1.0 p.p. y/y)


Savings market share
(+1.3 p.p. y/y)


Deposits market share
(+1.3 p.p. y/y)

Letter from the CEO

The development and successes achieved so far are primarily the result of the commitment and professionalism of the employees of PKO Bank Polski Group. It is through their daily work that they win the trust of nearly 12 million Poles and make the Bank an modern institution that is ready for further challenges. I would also like to express my gratitude to our Customers. Without you, the Group’s development would not have been possible. I thank you on behalf of myself, the entire Management Board and all employees.


Implementation of strategic objectives

Leader in mobile banking

10 years

IKO application


Features in IKO application
at the end of 2023

8.7 billion

Logins to the IKO application
from the moment its launched

Sustainable bank


The bank's strategic goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2030

We aim to achieve our business objectives in a manner that minimizes the impact of our operational and product activities on climate change, while also limiting the impact of climate change on the bank’s operations. We support the development of renewable energy by providing financing for the development of onshore and offshore wind farms as well as photovoltaic projects. We offer an increasing number of products that support environmental protection.



We take responsible care of our clients, employees and local communities interests

As one of the largest employers in Poland, we are committed to conducting and promoting ethical business practices, building an ethical organizational culture, and following to principles of social responsibility. We respond to the needs of our customers, among other things, by extensively implementing a settlement program for CHF mortgage loans. We support the development and well-being of our employees and engage in assistance and cooperation with local communities.



Promoting diversity is present in many aspects of bank’s activities

We ensure that diversity, both as a value and as a practice, is present in our organizational culture, initiatives actions, as well as in the relevant policies, regulations and processes. In building teams, we understand that diversity is an asset both in supports innovation and enhances operational efficiency. One of the important goals of our new strategy is to maintain a significant proportion of women in managerial positions.
