
Interest-bearing assets – amounts due from banks, securities and loans and advances to customers,

Liquid assets and cash – amounts due from banks, cash, balances with the Central Bank, securities (banking portfolio), repo transactions,

CPI – consumer price index,

Customer deposits – amounts due to customers,

Financing granted to customers – loans and advances granted to customers (including finance lease receivables) and municipal and corporate bonds (excluding the bonds of international financial organizations) presented in securities, other than securities held for trading,

External financing – subordinated liabilities, liabilities in respect of issue of securities measured at amortised cost, and loans and advances received,

Other liabilities – derivative hedging instruments, other derivative instruments, liabilities in respect of insurance activities, other liabilities, current income tax liabilities, deferred income tax provisions, provisions, reverse repo transactions, amounts due to the Central Bank and amounts due to banks,

Operating expenses – operating expenses (including net regulatory charges),

Regulatory costs – net regulatory charges,

Total capital ratio – own funds to the total capital requirement multiplied by 12.5,

Securities (banking portfolio) – securities less municipal and corporate bonds (excluding bonds held for trading) and bonds of international financial organizations,

Other assets – derivative hedging instruments, other derivative instruments, investments in associates and joint ventures, non-current assets held for sale, intangible assets, tangible fixed assets, insurance receivables, current income tax receivables, deferred income tax assets, other assets and repo transactions,

Risk-free rate – the average annual yield on 10-year Treasury bonds,

Average interest on loans – interest income on loans and advances to customers on an annual basis to the average balance of loans and advances to customers from the last 5 quarters,

Average interest on deposits – interest expense on amounts due to customers on an annual basis to the average balance of amounts due to customers from the last 5 quarters,

C/I ratio (costs to income ratio) – operating expenses (including net regulatory charges) to the result on business activities on an annual basis,

Tier 1 capital ratio – Tier 1 capital to the total capital requirement multiplied by 12.5,

Leverage ratio – Tier 1 capital to the total of on-balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet liabilities after taking into account the CCF,

Credit risk cost indicator – net write-downs and impairment of loans and advances to customers for the last 12 months to the average gross amounts due to customers at the beginning and end of the reporting period and interim quarterly periods,

Interest margin ratio – net interest income on an annual basis to the average balance of interest-bearing assets (including amounts due from banks, securities and loans and advances to customers) from the last 5 quarters,

Net ROA – net profit for the year to the average balance of assets from the last 5 quarters

Net ROE – net profit for the year to the average balance of equity from the last 5 quarters,

Share of exposures with recognized impairment – a portfolio with recognized impairment in the portfolio of loans and corporate and municipal bonds (not guaranteed by the State Treasury), including loans measured at fair value through profit or loss,

Net operating result – result on business activities, operating expenses and tax on certain financial institutions

Result on financial transactions – result on financial transactions and gains and/or losses on derecognition of financial instruments less the result on loans measured at fair value through profit and/or loss,

Net write-downs and impairment – result on allowances for expected credit losses, result on impairment of nonfinancial assets and cost of legal risk associated with mortgage loans in convertible currencies and result on loans measured at fair value through profit or loss,

Result on business activities – result on business activities less result on loans measured at fair value through profit or loss,

Net profit – net profit recognized in the consolidated income statement understood as the net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company