How we create value

The Bank’s Group is a leading financial institution in Central and Eastern Europe. The Bank, the parent entity of the Bank’s Group, is the largest commercial bank in Poland in terms of the value of assets and equity, the value of loans, deposits, and savings, the size of the distribution network, as well as the number of customers served and the number of employees.

The Bank is a universal bank that provides deposit and lending services to individuals and legal entities. It provides financial services and provides customer service in branches, agencies, as well as modern online and mobile banking systems. In 2022, it opened the first branch in the Metaverse. The Bank provides services to the largest number of retail customers, which makes it particularly important in customer education, allowing them to use new products and new channels of access to financial services offered.

Through its subsidiaries, the Bank’s Group offers, among other things, mortgage loans, specialist financial services including leasing, factoring, investment funds, pension funds and insurance, fleet management services, transfer agent services, provides technological solutions and manages real estate. It also conducts banking operations and provides debt collection and financial services in Ukraine.

The Bank earns income from interest, commissions and fees and from other sources. It finances operating costs from the revenue generated. The profit shall be distributed with shareholders to the extent permitted by financial supervision institutions. Apart from financial profits, the Bank is trying to generate benefits for the economy, environment and local communities. The sustainable dimension of activities in all areas has been incorporated into the 2023-2025 strategy.

Value creation model

Financial capital

2022 20223
Total assets PLN 431 billion PLN 502 billion
Total equity PLN 36 billion PLN 45 billion
Financing of customers PLN 248 billion PLN 269 billion
Deposits PLN 453 billion PLN 542 billion
  • Increased scale of activity
  • Capital ratios well above regulatory requirements
  • High quality of customer financing
  • Comprehensive product offer

  • Loan market shares increased to 18.1%, mortgage loan sales reaching 35.9% of market share
  • Recommendation of the PFSA allowing to distribute up to 75% of 2023 net profit , no more than net profit decreased by PLN 1.6 bn which are already included to bank’s own funds
  • Growth of both loans by 8.5% y/y and savings by 19.6%, significantly above market dynamics
  • Share in the savings market increased to 21.3% and maintained in the market of investment funds for individuals at 20.1%

Intellectual and organizational capital

2022 2023
Digital service channels 7.2 million of active IKO applications 7.8 million of active IKO applications
Share of digital clients in active clients’ base 79% 82%
Artificial intelligence Service for customers carried out by 16 bots Service for customers carried out by 19 bots
Robotization of processes 230 processes run by robots 295 processes run by robots
  • Over 100 functions and a wide range of services in IKO
  • Development of the ecosystem of non-banking services within the VAS platform
  • Implementation of new processes carried out by artificial intelligence
  • 65 processes automated, and 82 modified

  • Top prize in Mobile Trends Awards for IKO application
  • Value-added services ecosystem (VAS Marketplace) where the following services were made available: Telemedycyna (Telemedicine), Bezpieczny ekran (Safe Screen), Bezpiecznie w Internecie (Safe on the Internet), Legimi,, Canal+ and Multikino code purchases
  • Over 31 million conversations completed by bots
  • Robotic Process Automation activities in handling the so-called Loan Holidays and to support the processing of applications for the Safe 2% Loan, robots performed work equivalent to more than 600 FTEs

Human capital

2022 2023
Employment 25,071 FTEs 25,601 FTEs
Diversity 72% women, 28% men 71% women, 29% men
Well-being projects 16 webinars 18 webinars
Development and education 13 – average hours of training per year per employee 17 – average hours of training per year per employee
  • Implementation of new initiatives within the adopted strategy
  • Employee initiatives to strengthen integration of employees from different areas and representing various social groups: #JestemUSiebie, #FokusNaCiebie, #CzasNaFeedback
  • The #KreatorzyJutra programme aimed of building the so-called 'Digital Mindset’ of employees, strengthening competences that support the achievement of strategic goals
  • Launch of the #ESGo development program

  • Hybrid work model that allowing flexible approach and alignment of assumptions with the realities and business goals
  • 38.7% of women in key managerial positions management positions. Pay gap: 2% in the bank, 4% in the Group
  • 8.4 thousand webinar participants
  • ESG training for 293 employees, with 1.9 thousand people participating in online meetings

Social capital

2022 2023
Customers 11,666 thousand 11,911 thousand
NPS of individual customers Increase by 3 positions compared to 2022
Charity work PLN 36.5 million
Volunteering of the PKO BP Foundation 74 volunteers 415 volunteers
  • CHF mortgage settlement program
  • Financing the housing needs of Poles
  • Charitable activities carried out through the bank PKO BP, PKO Bank Polski Foundation and by the Bank’s Group companies
  • Projects initiated by the Foundation and assistance activities initiated by volunteers

  • Pioneer of the CHF mortgage settlement program – over 57 thousand mediation applications
  • Record level of mortgage sales – nearly PLN 22 billion
  • Support, among others, for Homes for Single Mothers as part of the „Bank of Good Hearts” campaign, cooperation with the Royal Castle in Warsaw, protection of life and health, and health prevention in cooperation with the University Women’s and Newborn Health Center Foundation, Ewa Błaszczyk’s „Akogo?” Foundation, cooperation with the Warsaw Uprising Museum and the Duty of Poland Foundation
  • Eco-volunteering, 7th PKO Charity Run, „PKO for Heroes – Help for Warsaw Uprising Insurgents”, „Laptops from the Foundation” campaign, „Become a Bank Santa Claus” campaign

Natural capital

2022 2023
Green assets ratio in relation to the state – key performance indicator (turnover) 0.95%
Green assets ratio in relation to the state – key performance indicator (CapEx) 1.23%
Green assets ratio (flow) – key performance indicator (turnover) 1.88%
Green assets ratio (flow) – key performance indicator (CapEx) 2.94%


  • The strategic goal of the Bank is to achieve climate neutrality in 2030
  • In-house production of renewable energy
  • The Bank assesses, on a case-by-case basis, the impact of the ESG factors on a customer’s creditworthiness in the corporate segment and in the companies and enterprises segment
  • Purchase of energy with certificates of green origin

  • Reduction of the Bank’s emissions (Scope 1 and 2), location-based method, compared to the previous year (2022) by 5.75%
  • Self-generated electricity consumption +84% y/y
  • In the lending process, on the one hand, the bank assesses the impact of a given loan transaction on ESG issues, and on the other hand, it examines how ESG factors affect the loan transaction
  • 97.6% of electricity purchased by the Bank