Letter from the CEO

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The PKO Bank Polski Capital Group reported a profit of PLN 5,5 bln in 2023. At the same time, the Bank Group’s total assets reached PLN 502 bln, exceeding the symbolic value of half a trillion zlotys for the first time. The results achieved made it possible to meet the requirements for paying a dividend at a level of 75 proc. of the net profit for 2023. The maximum amount of the payment should not exceed the annual profit amount minus the profit already generated in 2023, which is included in the Bank’s own funds. This information is indicated by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority in its position from February of this year.
The PKO Bank Polski Group increased its market shares in the savings sector (21,3 proc.), loans (18,1 proc.), mortgage sales (35,9 proc.) and the personal investment fund market (20,1 proc.). The companies of PKO Bank Polski Group developed intensively and made a strong impact on the market. PKO Leasing’s sales grew to PLN 12,3 bln and the company has an 12 proc. market share in the value of funds leased. PKO Bank Hipoteczny is the largest issuer of mortgage bonds in Poland. PKO Faktoring is the second – largest factoring company in the country in terms of the number of Customers. PKO TFI today has 20 proc. market share in retail funds. These achievements help the Group create a hub of banking and non – banking services, offering tailored products to customers based on their needs.
At the same time, the financing volume for sustainable and transformational projects in 2023 increased by PLN 2,2 bln, and the number of corporate Customers using loans for sustainable projects increased by 30 proc. year-on-year. The Bank has also joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), whose methodology enables a harmonised approach to assessing and disclosing GHG emissions in the Bank’s loan portfolio.
The development and successes achieved so far are primarily the result of the commitment and professionalism of the employees of PKO Bank Polski Group. It is through their daily work that they win the trust of nearly 12 million Poles and make the Bank an modern institution that is ready for further challenges. I would also like to express my gratitude to our Customers. Without you, the Group’s development would not have been possible. I thank you on behalf of myself, the entire Management Board and all employees.
The year 2024 marks a new chapter in the history of the Bank. I strongly believe that the changes we have undertaken will significantly enhance the Bank’s market advantage and initiate the transformation of becoming a modern financial institution operating in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. PKO Bank Polski is a dynamic and continuously evolving bank, whose success is attributed to a team of skilled professionals. Alongside them, the new Management Board will guide the Bank and the entire Group through the forthcoming challenges and establish a solid foundation for future successes.
Yours sincerely,
Szymon Midera
Member of the Supervisory Board delegated to temporarily perform the duties of the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board, directing the work of the Management Board