
Ratings of PKO Bank Polski S.A.

The creditworthiness of PKO Bank Polski S.A. is assessed by Moody’s Investors Service rating agency which awards a paid rating to the Bank.

Moody’s Investors Service
Long-term deposit rating A2 with stable outlook
Short-term deposit rating P-1
Senior unsecured debt rating A3 with stable outlook
MTN Programme rating (P)A3
Other short-term liabilities of the Programme rating (P)P-2
Counterparty risk assessment – long-term A2
Counterparty risk assessment – short-term P-1
Opinion on counterparty risk (CR) – long-term A2(cr)
Opinion on counterparty risk (CR) – short-term P-1(cr)
FTSE Russell 3,3
Sustainalytics 23,5 (Medium)
V.E 46

Ratings of PKO Bank Hipoteczny S.A. as at 31 December 2023 (paid rating)

Moody’s Investors Service
Long-term issuer rating A3
Short-term issuer rating P-2
Counterparty risk assessment – long-term A2
Counterparty risk assessment – short-term P-1
Opinion on counterparty risk – long-term A2(cr)
Opinion on counterparty risk – short-term P-1(cr)
Rating for PLN mortgage covered bonds issued Aa1
Rating for EUR mortgage covered bonds issued Aa1

The ratings for the covered bonds issued are confirmed with each issue.

As at 31 December 2023, KREDOBANK S.A. had the following ratings granted by Ukrainian rating agencies:


Ratings of KREDOBANK S.A. as at 31 December 2023 (paid ratings)

„Expert-Rating” Rating Agency
Credit rating on country-wide scale uaAAA with stable outlook
„Standard-Rating” Rating Agency
Credit rating on country-wide scale – long-term uaAAA with stable outlook
Credit rating on national scale – short-term uaK1 with stable outlook
Deposit rating on country-wide scale ua1 with stable outlook

The long-term credit rating of KREDOBANK S.A. on a country-wide scale reflects the investment level, and thus meets Ukrainian statutory requirements regarding investing funds from insurance reserves by insurers and investing pension fund assets.