10.4. Associates and joint ventures
Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted in accordance with the equity method and are initially stated at cost. At each balance sheet date, the Group makes an assessment of whether there is any evidence of impairment of investments in associates and joint ventures. If any such evidence exists, the Group estimates the recoverable amount, i.e. the value in use of the investment or the fair value of the investment less costs to sell, whichever of these values is higher.
The value in use of investments is determined based on the present value of the estimated expected future cash flows from the continued use of these assets, using models dedicated to each individual entity. These cash flows are discounted at a discount rate based on the cost of equity estimated on a case-by-case basis for each investment. The current bid price received or the value estimated on the basis of valuation techniques commonly used by market participants (including valuations provided by a specialised third party) is accepted as the fair value of the investment.
If the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the Group recognizes an impairment allowance in the income statement.