29. Income tax

Accounting policies
Corporate income tax is recognized as current tax and deferred tax. The current income tax is recognized in the income statement. Deferred income tax, depending on the source of temporary differences, is recorded in the income statement or in other comprehensive income.
Current tax
Current income tax is calculated on the basis of gross accounting profit adjusted by non-taxable income, taxable income that does not constitute accounting income, non-tax deductible expenses and tax-deductible costs which are not accounting costs, in accordance with tax regulations.
The main categories permanently recognised as non-deductible costs include the tax on certain financial institutions, contributions and payments to the BGF and the Borrowers’ Support Fund, as well as the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON). In addition, the Bank does not recognise in the tax account the cost of legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies subject to the inclusion in the discontinuation of the amounts of capital forgiven resulting from the settlements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 11 March 2022 on suspending the collection of income tax on certain types of income (revenue) related to a mortgage loan granted for residential purposes, as amended by the Regulation of 20 December 2022, which is in force until 31 December 2024 (for details, see table reconciliation of the effective tax rate).
Pursuant to the principles governing the statute of limitations for tax liabilities, the correctness of income tax settlements may be audited within five years of the end of the year in which the deadline for the submission of the respective tax returns passed.
Group companies are corporate income tax payers. The amount of the companies’ current tax liability is transferred to offices of the tax administration authorities with jurisdiction over their location within the statutory deadlines.
Deferred income tax
Deferred tax is recognized in the amount of the difference between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for the purpose of financial reporting.
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or liability is settled, using tax rates (and tax laws) that prevail at the reporting date. those whose future use is certain at the reporting date.
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset against each other if, and only if, the Group has a legally enforceable right to set off current income tax assets against current income tax liabilities and the deferred income tax is attributable to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.
The Group recognises a deferred tax asset arising from the entitlement to apply a tax preference in respect of the settlements covered by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 11 March 2022 on suspending the collection of income tax on certain types of income (revenues) associated with mortgage loans granted for housing purposes, as amended by the Regulation of 20 December 2022, which is effective until 31 December 2024, and from the entitlement to adjust tax revenues in connection with judgments invalidating loan agreements.
Financial information
Tax expense
TAX EXPENSE | 2023 | 2022 |
Income tax expense recognized in the income statement1 | (3,057) | (1,455) |
Current income tax expense | (2,572) | (2,052) |
Deferred income tax on temporary differences | (485) | 597 |
Income tax expense recognized in other comprehensive income in respect of temporary differences | (1,337) | 777 |
Total | (4,394) | (678) |
Reconciliation of the effective tax rate
Profit or loss before tax | 8,562 | 4,767 |
Tax at the statutory rate in force in Poland (19%) | (1,627) | (906) |
Effect of different tax rates of foreign entities | (82) | 1 |
Effect of permanent differences between profit before income tax and taxable income, including: | (1,348) | (549) |
cost of legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies | (993) | (143) |
tax on certain financial institutions | (234) | (240) |
contributions and payments to the Bank Guarantee Fund | (53) | (78) |
Borrower Support Fund | – | (60) |
non-deductible impairment losses on investments in subordinates | – | (10) |
non-deductible allowances for expected credit losses on credit exposures | (28) | (44) |
dividend income | 3 | 3 |
interest on foreign exchange gains in Sweden | – | 27 |
reversal of assets from reclassification of temporary differences to permanent differences | (37) | – |
other permanent differences | (6) | (4) |
Income tax expense recognized in the income statement | (3,057) | (1,455) |
Effective tax rate (%) | 35.70 | 30.52 |
Net deferred tax assets
31.12.2022 | Effect of amendments to IAS 12* | 01.01.2023 taking into account amendments to IAS 12 | Income statement | Other comprehensive income | 31.12.2023 |
Interest accrued on receivables (loans) | 368 | – | 368 | (5) | – | 363 |
Interest on securities | 222 | – | 222 | 8 | – | 230 |
Valuation of securities | – | – | – | 12 | 6 | 18 |
Valuation of derivative financial instruments | 40 | – | 40 | (5) | (21) | 14 |
Difference between carrying amount and tax base of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, including leased assets* | 223 | 160 | 383 | 44 | – | 427 |
Taxable income on the reversal of IBNR allowance, which was previously tax deductible, on implementation of IFRS 9 | 26 | – | 26 | (13) | – | 13 |
Prepaid costs | 29 | – | 29 | (24) | – | 5 |
Other taxable temporary differences | 121 | – | 121 | (16) | (6) | 99 |
Deferred tax liabilities, gross | 1,029 | 160 | 1,189 | 1 | (21) | 1,169 |
Interest accrued on liabilities | 214 | – | 214 | 153 | – | 367 |
Valuation of derivative financial instruments | 1,389 | – | 1,389 | 3 | (809) | 583 |
Valuation of securities | 872 | – | 872 | (41) | (550) | 281 |
Provision for employee benefits | 103 | – | 103 | 16 | 1 | 120 |
Allowances for expected credit losses | 1,477 | – | 1,477 | 95 | – | 1,572 |
Fair value measurement of loans | 157 | – | 157 | 33 | – | 190 |
Commissions to be settled in time using the straight-line valuation method and effective interest rate | 1,133 | – | 1,133 | (442) | – | 691 |
Other deductible temporary differences | 38 | – | 38 | 10 | – | 48 |
Provision for costs to be incurred | 73 | – | 73 | 1 | – | 74 |
Tax loss brought forward | 1 | – | 1 | (1) | – | – |
Impact of legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies | 321 | – | 321 | (212) | – | 109 |
Premium on securities | 122 | – | 122 | (49) | – | 73 |
Difference between carrying amount and tax base of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, including leased assets | 239 | 160 | 399 | (50) | – | 349 |
Gross deferred tax assets | 6,139 | 160 | 6,299 | (484) | (1,358) | 4,458 |
Total effect of temporary differences | 5,110 | – | 5,110 | (485) | (1,337) | 3,288 |
Deferred income tax liabilities (presented in the statement of financial position) | 49 | 160 | 209 | 524 | (21) | 712 |
Deferred tax assets (presented in the statement of financial position) | 5,159 | 160 | 5,319 | 39 | (1,358) | 4,000 |
01.01.2022 | Income statement | Other comprehensive income | 31.12.2022 |
Interest accrued on receivables (loans) | 235 | 133 | – | 368 |
Interest on securities | 158 | 64 | – | 222 |
Valuation of securities | 20 | (19) | (1) | – |
Valuation of derivative financial instruments | 34 | 23 | (17) | 40 |
Difference between carrying amount and tax base of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, including leased assets | 206 | 17 | – | 223 |
Taxable income on the reversal of IBNR allowance, which was previously tax deductible, on implementation of IFRS 9 | 39 | (13) | – | 26 |
Prepaid costs | 60 | (31) | – | 29 |
Interest on foreign exchange gains in Sweden | 288 | (288) | – | – |
Other taxable temporary differences | 49 | 73 | (1) | 121 |
Deferred tax liabilities, gross | 1,089 | (41) | (19) | 1,029 |
Interest accrued on liabilities | 40 | 174 | – | 214 |
Valuation of derivative financial instruments | 952 | 76 | 361 | 1,389 |
Valuation of securities | 459 | 18 | 395 | 872 |
Provision for employee benefits | 102 | (1) | 2 | 103 |
Allowances for expected credit losses | 1,341 | 136 | – | 1,477 |
Fair value measurement of loans | 146 | 11 | – | 157 |
Commissions to be settled in time using the straight-line valuation method and effective interest rate | 877 | 256 | – | 1,133 |
Other deductible temporary differences | 36 | 2 | – | 38 |
Provision for costs to be incurred | 61 | 12 | – | 73 |
Tax loss brought forward | 6 | (5) | – | 1 |
Impact of legal risk of mortgage loans in convertible currencies | 342 | (21) | – | 321 |
Premium on securities | 76 | 46 | – | 122 |
Foreign exchange differences | – | – | – | – |
Difference between carrying amount and tax base of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, including leased assets | 387 | (148) | – | 239 |
Deferred tax liabilities, gross | 4,825 | 556 | 758 | 6,139 |
Total effect of temporary differences | 3,736 | 597 | 777 | 5,110 |
Deferred income tax liabilities (presented in the statement of financial position) | 379 | (313) | (17) | 49 |
Deferred tax assets (presented in the statement of financial position) | 4,115 | 284 | 760 | 5,159 |
Tax Group
Pursuant to the agreement dated 3 November 2021, PKO Bank Polski S.A., PKO Bank Hipoteczny S.A. and PKO Leasing S.A. have extended the operation of PGK PKO Banku Polskiego S.A. („PGK PKO Bank Polski S.A.”), which was established pursuant to the agreement dated 5 November 2018, for a further three fiscal years (2022 – 2024). These agreements have been registered with the relevant head of the tax office.
A tax group is an institution of the tax law stipulated in the provisions of the Corporate Income Tax Act. Its creation means that the income of the Tax Group companies will be consolidated for corporate income tax purposes and that certain solutions will be available facilitating the application of specific regulations of the Corporate Income Tax Act, dedicated specifically to tax groups.
PKO Bank Polski S.A. is the parent of PGK PKO Banku Polskiego S.A. PGK PKO Banku Polskiego S.A. was established for three tax years. Current income tax settlements are presented broken down into receivables and liabilities of PKO Bank Polski S.A. and receivables and liabilities of subsidiaries included in the Tax Group.
Tax policy
The Bank has a Tax Strategy for PKO Bank Polski S.A. in place, adopted by resolution of the Management Board No 392/C/2021 of 5 October 2021, approved by resolution of the Supervisory Board no. 154/2021 of 14 October 2021. On 17 December 2021, the Strategy was published on the Bank’s website at: https://www.pkobp.pl/grupa-pko-banku-polskiego/pko-bank-polski/strategia-podatkowa/.
In the execution of its statutory annual obligations resulting from Article 27c of the Corporate Income Tax Act, the Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna Tax Group prepared in 2023 the Information on the tax strategy implemented in 2022, which is available on the Bank’s website at https://www.pkobp.pl/grupa-pko-banku-polskiego/pko-bank-polski/strategia-podatkowa/ or: https://www.pkobp.pl/informacja-o-realizowanej-strategii-podatkowej/. On 19 December 2023, the Bank notified the head of the competent tax office of the address of the webpage on which the Information is available.
Corporate income tax on the income earned by the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group in the years 2023 and 2022 by tax jurisdiction:
Corporate income tax | 2023 | 2022 |
Capital Group | 2,572 | 2,052 |
Poland | 2,426 | 1,791 |
Sweden | – | 258 |
Germany | 9 | – |
Czech Republic | 6 | – |
Ukraine | 131 | 3 |
Tax systems of countries in which the Bank and the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group entities have their registered offices or branches are often subject to amendments to laws, including as a result of operations aimed at tightening the tax system, both at national and international level.
In addition, understanding of some of the regulations of the tax law, due to their ambiguity, may in practice lead to inconsistent individual interpretations of the tax authorities, differing from the interpretation by the taxpayer, and the resulting disputes may only be resolved by the national or European courts. Therefore, interpretations of the tax law by the tax authorities differing from the practices implemented by the Bank or the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group entities cannot be eliminated and may have a significant unfavourable impact on their operations and financial condition, despite the various actions aimed at mitigating this risk, which are regularly undertaken and allowed by law.
On 8 December 2023, an increased corporate income tax rate on the bank’s total profits was introduced in Ukraine. Instead of the standard corporate tax rate of 18%, banks have been taxed at 50% of the total profit earned in the fiscal year 2023. In subsequent years, a rate of 25% will apply. The corporate income tax expense of Kredobank in Ukraine for 2023 was determined at the new rate of 50% (for details, see table reconciliation of effective tax rate).
On 23 December 2021, PKO Finance AB (hereinafter “Company”) received from the Swedish tax authorities a negative decision concerning the long-standing dispute relating to doubts about taxation in Sweden of foreign exchange gains on loans granted to the Bank and liabilities in respect of the issue. Based on this decision, the Company must pay SEK 160,726,808 in additional income tax and interest for the fiscal year 2019. On 13 February 2023, the Company paid the tax for 2022 in the amount of SEK 446,665,741, following the interpretation of the Swedish tax authorities in order to avoid potential penalty interest of 3.75 p.a. Despite having made the payments, the Company disagrees with the verdicts of the Swedish tax office and intends to use the appeal procedure to regain the amounts mentioned above. As potential tax liabilities of PKO Finance AB for 2015-2016 have become time-barred, the Group has decided to reverse the deferred income tax liabilities for 2015-2016 in the amount of PLN 74 million in 2022.