37. Amounts due to customers

Accounting policies

Valuation and classification into categories is carried out in accordance with the principles for determining the business model and assessing the characteristics of contractual cash flows referred to in note „General accounting policies for financial instruments”. Detailed policies concerning “Liabilities in respect of insurance products” are described in note Insurance businessi IFRS 17 Insurance contracts.

The item “Amounts due to customers” also includes an adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting for amounts due to customers representing hedged items (note „Hedge accounting and other derivative instruments”).

Financial information

AMOUNTS DUE TO CUSTOMERS Amounts due to households Amounts due to business entities Amounts due to state budget entities Total
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 165 277 442
Liabilities in respect of a short position in securities 277 277
Liabilities in respect of insurance products 165 165
Measured at amortized cost 306,450 76,372 15,517 398,339
Cash on current accounts and overnight deposits of which 201,238 55,097 14,551 270,886
savings accounts and other interest-bearing assets 49,845 18,765 9,956 78,566
Term deposits 104,689 20,450 927 126,066
Other liabilities 505 825 39 1,369
Liabilities in respect of insurance products 18 18
Amounts due to customers (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting) 306,615 76,649 15,517 398,781
Adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting (note „Hedge accounting and other derivative instruments„) 412 412
Total 307,027 76,649 15,517 399,193
AMOUNTS DUE TO CUSTOMERS Amounts due to households Amounts due to business entities Amounts due to state budget entities Total
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 149 5 154
Liabilities in respect of a short position in securities 5 5
Liabilities in respect of insurance products 149 149
Measured at amortized cost 262,948 58,634 17,188 338,770
Cash on current accounts and overnight deposits of which 180,298 40,290 16,224 236,812
savings accounts and other interest-bearing assets 41,953 12,933 11,615 66,501
Term deposits 82,127 17,748 913 100,788
Other liabilities 505 596 51 1,152
Liabilities in respect of insurance products1 18 18
Amounts due to customers (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting) 263,097 58,639 17,188 338,924
Adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting (note “Hedge accounting and other derivative instruments„) (56) (56)
Total 263,041 58,639 17,188 338,868
1 Liabilities in respect of insurance products as at 31 December 2022 have been adjusted by PLN 714 million for the implementation of IFRS 17 "Insurance Contracts" (see note „IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts”)
AMOUNTS DUE TO CUSTOMERS BY MATURITY (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Measured at fair value through profit or loss: 442 154
up to 1 month 277 5
Measured at amortized cost: 398,339 338,770
up to 1 month 308,655 272,203
1 to 3 months 35,935 29,307
3 months to 1 year 39,428 10,392
1 to 5 years 8,600 21,520
more than 5 years 5,721 5,348
Total 398,781 338,924
Amounts due to customers (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting) 398,781 338,924
retail and private banking 275,458 234,382
corporate 69,502 55,812
companies and enterprises 53,636 48,562
other liabilities (including liabilities in respect of insurance products) 185 168
Adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting (note “Hedge accounting and other derivative instruments„) 412 (56)
Total 399,193 338,868