54.1. Financial assets by stage

Amounts due from banks

As at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022 all amounts due from banks were classified as Stage 1.


SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2023 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Measurement method: measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Gross carrying amount 107,649 393 12 108,054
NBP money bills 28,974 28,974
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 52,545 52,545
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 4,485 89 4,574
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 10,180 10,180
municipal bonds (in PLN) 4,831 274 5,105
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,567 30 12 2,609
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 4,067 4,067
Net carrying amount 107,649 393 12 108,054
NBP money bills 28,974 28,974
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 52,545 52,545
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 4,485 89 4,574
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 10,180 10,180
municipal bonds (in PLN) 4,831 274 5,105
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,567 30 12 2,609
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 4,067 4,067
Measurement method: at amortized cost
Gross carrying amount 86,900 399 87,299
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 58,839 58,839
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 1,439 1,439
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 13,622 13,622
municipal bonds (in PLN) 8,536 159 8,695
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,319 109 2,428
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 2,145 131 2,276
Allowances for expected credit losses (54) (18) (72)
Treasury bonds (in PLN) (3) (3)
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees (3) (3)
municipal bonds (in PLN) (35) (2) (37)
corporate bonds (in PLN) (4) (11) (15)
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) (9) (5) (14)
Net carrying amount 86,846 381 87,227
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 58,836 58,836
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 1,439 1,439
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 13,619 13,619
municipal bonds (in PLN) 8,501 157 8,658
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,315 98 2,413
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 2,136 126 2,262
Total securities
Gross carrying amount 194,549 792 12 195,353
Allowances for expected credit losses (54) (18) (72)
Net carrying amount 194,495 774 12 195,281
SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Measurement method: measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Gross carrying amount 64,413 422 374 65,209 359
NBP money bills 80 80
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 43,066 43,066
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 3,977 420 4,397
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 9,373 9,373
municipal bonds (in PLN) 5,052 2 5,054
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,476 374 2,850 359
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 389 389
Allowances for expected credit losses 2 2 2
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2 2 2
Net carrying amount 64,413 422 376 65,211 361
NBP money bills 80 80
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 43,066 43,066
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 3,977 420 4,397
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 9,373 9,373
municipal bonds (in PLN) 5,052 2 5,054
corporate bonds (in PLN) 2,476 376 2,852 361
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 389 389
Measurement method: at amortized cost
Gross carrying amount 68,290 336 68,626
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 45,898 45,898
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 713 713
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 12,108 12,108
municipal bonds (in PLN) 6,206 6,206
corporate bonds (in PLN) 1,817 195 2,012
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 1,548 141 1,689
Allowances for expected credit losses (45) (25) (70)
Treasury bonds (in PLN) (5) (5)
ocorporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees (8) (8)
municipal bonds (in PLN) (24) (24)
corporate bonds (in PLN) (4) (19) (23)
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) (4) (6) (10)
Net carrying amount 68,245 311 68,556
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 45,893 45,893
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 713 713
corporate bonds (in PLN) secured with the State Treasury guarantees 12,100 12,100
municipal bonds (in PLN) 6,182 6,182
corporate bonds (in PLN) 1,813 176 1,989
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 1,544 135 1,679
Total securities
Gross carrying amount 132,703 758 374 133,835 359
Allowances for expected credit losses (45) (25) 2 (68) 2
Net carrying amount 132,658 733 376 133,767 361


Loans and advances to customers

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting)


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Measurement method: at amortized cost
Gross carrying amount 203,569 40,623 8,921 253,113 324
housing loans 99,843 13,373 1,667 114,883 84
business loans 59,458 17,654 3,666 80,778 158
consumer loans 26,079 3,576 2,452 32,107 79
factoring receivables 5,302 26 88 5,416
finance lease receivables 12,887 5,994 1,048 19,929 3
Allowances for expected credit losses (1,072) (3,824) (5,310) (10,206) 50
housing loans (95) (1,108) (1,167) (2,370) (5)
business loans (450) (1,735) (2,159) (4,344) 1
consumer loans (443) (744) (1,446) (2,633) 55
factoring receivables (1) (29) (30)
finance lease receivables (83) (237) (509) (829) (1)
Net carrying amount 202,497 36,799 3,611 242,907 374
housing loans 99,748 12,265 500 112,513 79
business loans 59,008 15,919 1,507 76,434 159
consumer loans 25,636 2,832 1,006 29,474 134
factoring receivables 5,301 26 59 5,386
finance lease receivables 12,804 5,757 539 19,100 2
Loans and advances to customers, total
Gross carrying amount 203,569 40,623 8,921 253,113 324
Allowances for expected credit losses (1,072) (3,824) (5,310) (10,206) 50
Net carrying amount 202,497 36,799 3,611 242,907 374

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting)


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Measurement method: measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Gross carrying amount 1 1
consumer loans 1 1
Allowances for expected credit losses (1) (1)
consumer loans (1) (1)
Net carrying amount
consumer loans
Measurement method: at amortized cost
Gross carrying amount 196,240 33,964 8,920 239,124 213
housing loans 98,541 11,033 1,860 111,434 94
business loans 57,136 14,283 4,118 75,537 58
consumer loans 24,447 3,231 1,895 29,573 57
factoring receivables 3,562 19 38 3,619
finance lease receivables 12,554 5,398 1,009 18,961 4
Allowances for expected credit losses (959) (3,287) (5,501) (9,747) 16
housing loans (118) (837) (1,342) (2,297) (14)
business loans (398) (1,586) (2,450) (4,434) (3)
consumer loans (356) (654) (1,181) (2,191) 34
factoring receivables (6) (22) (28)
finance lease receivables (81) (210) (506) (797) (1)
Net carrying amount 195,281 30,677 3,419 229,377 229
housing loans 98,423 10,196 518 109,137 80
business loans 56,738 12,697 1,668 71,103 55
consumer loans 24,091 2,577 714 27,382 91
factoring receivables 3,556 19 16 3,591
finance lease receivables 12,473 5,188 503 18,164 3
Loans and advances to customers, total
Gross carrying amount 196,240 33,964 8,921 239,125 213
Allowances for expected credit losses (959) (3,287) (5,502) (9,748) 16
Net carrying amount 195,281 30,677 3,419 229,377 229


*The comparative figures for 2022 have been adjusted for the implementation of IFRS 17 "Insurance Contracts" (see note"IFRS 17 Insurance contracts”).

Other financial assets

OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Gross amount 1,469 141 1,610
Allowances for expected credit losses (136) (136)
Net carrying amount 1,469 5 1,474
OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total of which POCI
Gross amount 1,850 146 1,996
Allowances for expected credit losses (146) (146)
Net carrying amount 1,850 1,850

Financial and guarantee commitments granted

FINANCIAL AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS GRANTED 31.12.2023 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Total Provisions per IFRS 9 Net carrying amount
Notional amount Provision Notional amount Provision Notional amount Provision
Credit lines and limits 71,102 (137) 7,774 (476) 162 (28) 79,038 (641) 78,397
real estate 6,722 (11) 170 (6) 6 (3) 6,898 (20) 6,878
business 50,189 (101) 6,055 (377) 89 (20) 56,333 (498) 55,835
consumer 9,220 (25) 1,542 (93) 18 (5) 10,780 (123) 10,657
in respect of factoring 4,233 7 49 4,289 4,289
in respect of finance leases 738 738 738
Other 3,884 3,884 3,884
Total financial commitments granted, including: 74,986 (137) 7,774 (476) 162 (28) 82,922 (641) 82,281
irrevocable commitments granted 25,379 (70) 4,418 (314) 33 (8) 29,830 (392) 29,438
POCI 1 1 2 2
Guarantees and sureties granted
guarantees in domestic and foreign trading 8,138 (18) 1,692 (59) 785 (30) 10,615 (107) 10,508
to financial entities 2,535 144 2,679 2,679
to non-financial entities 5,484 (18) 1,538 (59) 785 (30) 7,807 (107) 7,700
to public entities 119 10 129 129
domestic municipal bonds (state budget entities) 243 243 243
letters of credit 1,175 102 (3) 1,277 (3) 1,274
to financial entities 30 30 30
to non-financial entities 1,145 102 (3) 1,247 (3) 1,244
payment guarantees to financial entities 99 2 101 101
Total guarantees and sureties granted, including: 9,655 (18) 1,796 (62) 785 (30) 12,236 (110) 12,126
irrevocable commitments granted 3,275 (7) 1,479 (58) 749 (29) 5,503 (94) 5,409
performance guarantee 2,682 (4) 711 (43) 199 (10) 3,592 (57) 3,535
POCI 452 (2) 452 (2) 450
Total financial and guarantee commitments granted 84,641 (155) 9,570 (538) 947 (58) 95,158 (751) 94,407


FINANCIAL AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS GRANTED 31.12.2022 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Total Provisions per IFRS 9 Net carrying amount
Notional amount Provision Notional amount Provision Notional amount Provision
Credit lines and limits 62,990 (137) 7,250 (406) 140 (47) 70,380 (590) 69,790
real estate 3,568 (13) 107 (5) 8 (3) 3,683 (21) 3,662
business 47,016 (97) 5,332 (281) 107 (36) 52,455 (414) 52,041
consumer 8,818 (27) 1,807 (120) 25 (8) 10,650 (155) 10,495
in respect of factoring 2,745 4 2,749 2,749
in respect of finance leases 843 843 843
Other 2,824 1 2,825 2,825
Total financial commitments granted, including: 65,814 (137) 7,250 (406) 141 (47) 73,205 (590) 72,615
irrevocable commitments granted 27,050 (60) 3,429 (211) 100 (30) 30,579 (301) 30,278
POCI 1 4 (1) 5 (1) 4
Guarantees and sureties granted
guarantees in domestic and foreign trading 8,539 (5) 1,360 (72) 679 (159) 10,578 (236) 10,342
to financial entities 2,735 2,735 2,735
to non-financial entities 5,733 (5) 1,360 (72) 679 (159) 7,772 (236) 7,536
to public entities 71 71 71
domestic municipal bonds (state budget entities) 315 315 315
letters of credit 1,343 (1) 171 (6) 1,514 (7) 1,507
to non-financial entities 1,343 (1) 171 (6) 1,514 (7) 1,507
payment guarantees to financial entities 71 71 71
Total guarantees and sureties granted, including: 10,268 (6) 1,531 (78) 679 (159) 12,478 (243) 12,235
irrevocable commitments granted 2,903 (5) 1,262 (71) 647 (158) 4,812 (234) 4,578
performance guarantee 2,499 (2) 860 (54) 281 (147) 3,640 (203) 3,437
POCI 284 (5) 284 (5) 279
Total financial and guarantee commitments granted 76,082 (143) 8,781 (484) 820 (206) 85,683 (833) 84,850