69. Leverage ratio

The Group calculates the leverage ratio as one of its capital adequacy measures.

The objective of excessive leverage risk management is to ensure an appropriate relationship between the amount of the Tier 1 capital and the total of balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet liabilities granted by the Group.

For the purpose of measuring the risk of excessive financial leverage, a leverage ratio is calculated by the Group as a measure of Tier 1 capital divided by the measure of total exposure and is expressed as a percentage rate. The leverage ratio as at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022 was above the internal and external limits, as well as above the minimum levels as recommended by the PFSA.

To maintain the leverage ratio at an acceptable level, the Group set up a strategic tolerance limit and a threshold for the ratio and they are regularly monitored and verified periodically.

Leverage ratio exposures specified in CRR related to capital requirements
31.12.2023 31.12.2022 restated 31.12.2022 published
Total capital and exposure measure
Tier 1 capital 41,727 41,175 38,139
Total exposure measure for leverage ratio calculation 534,167 454,588 454,490
Leverage ratio
Leverage ratio 7.81 9.06 8.39