Consolidated statement of changes in equity

31 DECEMBER 2023
Share capital Reserves and accumulated other comprehensive income Net profit or loss for the period Total capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent company Total non-controlling interests Total equity
Reserves Accumulated other comprehensive income Reserves and accumulated other comprehensive income Retained earnings
Supplementary capital General banking risk fund Other reserves
As at the beginning of the period, after changes in accounting policies 1,250 23,085 1,070 7,091 (9,007) 22,239 8,920 3,312 35,721 (14) 35 707
Transfer from retained earnings 3,312 (3,312)
Transfer from retained earnings to equity 115 1,647 1,762 (1,762)
Dividend, including interim dividend (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1 600)
Comprehensive income  5,615 5,615 5,502 11,117 3 11 120
Offset of accumulated losses (340) (340) 340
As at the end of the period  1,250 22,860 1,070 7,138 (3,392) 27,676 10,810 5,502 45,238 (11) 45 227
31 DECEMBER 2023
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures Fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Cash flow hedges Finance income and costs from insurance business Actuarial gains and losses Currency translation differences on foreign operations Total
As at the beginning of the period, after changes in accounting policies (35) (3,461) (5,218) 24 (21) (296) (9,007)
Comprehensive income (31) 2,440 3,358 (25) (3) (124) 5,615
As at the end of the period (66) (1,021) (1,860) (1) (24) (420) (3,392)
31 DECEMBER 2022
Share capital Reserves and accumulated other comprehensive income Net profit or loss for the period Total capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent company Total non-controlling interests Total equity
Reserves Accumulated other comprehensive income Reserves and accumulated other comprehensive income Retained earnings
Supplementary capital General banking risk fund Other reserves
As at the beginning of the period  1,250 23,003 1,070 6,968 (5,728) 25,313 6,270 4,874 37,707 (14) 37 693
Changes in accounting policies* 17 17 269 286 286
As at the beginning of the period, after policy changes 1,250 23,003 1,070 6,968 (5,711) 25 ,30 6,539 4,874 37,993 (14) 37 979
Transfer from retained earnings 4,874 (4,874)
Transfer from retained earnings to equity 82 123 205 (205)
Dividend (2,288) (2,288) (2 288)
Comprehensive income (3,296) (3,296) 3,312 16 16
As at the end of the period  1,250 23,085 1,070 7,091 (9,007) 22,239 8,920 3,312 35,721 (14) 35 707
*For details on the impact of the implementation of IFRS 17 on the Group's equity, see Note „IFRS 17 Insurance contracts
31 DECEMBER 2022
Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures Accumulated other comprehensive income
Fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Cash flow hedges Hedges of net investments in foreign operations Finance income and costs from insurance business Actuarial gains and losses Currency translation differences on foreign operations Total
As at the beginning of the period (17) (1,785) (3,699) (4) (14) (209) (5,728)
Changes in accounting policies* 17 17
As at the beginning of the period, after policy changes (17) (1,785) (3,699) (4) 17 (14) (209) (5,711)
Comprehensive income (18) (1,676) (1,519) 4 7 (7) (87) (3,296)
As at the end of the period (35) (3,461) (5,218) 24 (21) (296) (9,007)
*For details on the impact of the implementation of IFRS 17 on the Group's equity, see Note „IFRS 17 Insurance contracts".